71,0-15-6.729-15-15S11.729,5,20,5s15,6.729,15,15S28.271,35,20,35z M20,5.203 C11.841,5.203,5.203,11.841,
lineAll in One Devices

Following production of the new brand guidelines, we executed a 5-day shoot for all of Samsung PC products, including Allin-Ones, Notebooks, and Chromebooks. The purpose was to support Samsung’s desire to reboot the notebook brand with a new visual direction for all the products. For the lifestyle cuts, the concept was to show normal people using Samsung PC devices in many different settings. Diverting from Samsung’s typical stylized approach, we choose everyday people dressed in everyday clothes. We chose not to show faces so consumers could empathize more realistically with the devices. The Key Visuals were created with dynamic materials and color combinations.